However, you also have to generate the class that represents output data structure of the IMS program. 然而,您还需要产生一个代表IMS程序输出数据结构的类。
In the J2C Java Bean Ant script, the input and output data binding files used for the methods are defined. 在J2CJavaBeanAnt脚本中,定义了方法所使用的输入和输出数据绑定文件。
You can also perform a Force Complete, which enables you to enter the output data manually, complete the task, and have the process resume. 您还可以执行一个ForceComplete,该操作允许您手动输入输出数据,完成任务,然后恢复流程。
The SCSI target waits for the initiator's commands and then provides required input/ output data transfers. SCSI目标等待启动程序的命令,然后提供请求的输入/输出数据转换。
The ability to output data in JSON format will become important shortly. 很快将看到能够以JSON格式输出数据这一点至关重要。
However, since the Web services API does not support RAL, schemas for input data, output data, and variables must be available in an appropriate format on the client. 但是,Web服务API不支持RAL,所以在客户机上必须有适当格式的输入数据模式、输出数据模式和变量模式。
Writing data requires opening an output data source and creating a data layer within it. 写数据则需要打开一个输出数据源并在其内创建一个数据层。
All data, including dynamic SQL statements, user input data, user output data, and character fields in the SQLCA, is interpreted based on this code page. 所有数据,包括动态SQL语句、用户输入数据、用户输出数据以及SQLCA中的字符字段,都是基于该代码页进行解释的。
Type Trees are the data definition files that define the format of the input and output data. 类型树是定义输入和输出数据的格式的数据定义文件。
Each column definition has an XPath expression in its description field, mapping a certain element in the XML document to a corresponding output data column. 每个列定义在其description字段中有一个XPath表达式,用于将XML文档中的某个元素映射到相应的输出数据列。
It is parameterized based on its input and output data types. 它是基于其输入和输出数据类型参数化的。
When thinking of> and>>, it's easiest to visualize them as the flow of output data moving from the command on the left to the destination file on the right. 在考虑>和>>时,认为它们把左边命令的输出数据流移动到右边的目标文件中,这样最容易理解。
To do this, you will use the get methods on the input and output data object and use the JUnit assertEquals(). 为此,您将使用输入和输出数据对象上的get方法,并使用JUnitassertEquals()。
Each input row can only generate one row of output data. 每个输入行只能生成一行输出数据。
The majority of the issues relate to recursive structures and how to cope with dynamic input and output data. 大多数问题与递归结构以及如何处理动态输入和输出数据有关。
The output data type is a LocationInfo object named as result. 输出数据类型是一个名为result的LocationInfo对象。
Canonical modeling and data quality analysis can provide value to the consistency of services and to its output data regardless of the type of service. 无论服务是什么类型的,规范化建模和数据质量分析都有助于保证服务及其输出数据的一致性。
Is the output data that the program executed returns, and 表示执行的程序所返回的输出数据,而
These services have input and output data structures just like any other service. 就像其他服务一样,这些服务具有输入和输出数据结构。
After the output data source has been created, you can add multiple shapes ( called features) to the data source. 创建了输出数据源之后,就可以将多个形状(称为特性)添加到数据源。
With IBM Rational Manual Tester, the test author can supply the expected output data when documenting the test. 使用IBMRationalManualTester,测试编写者可以在记录测试时提供预期的输出数据。
Being transient in nature, intermediate facts are not part of input or output data. 由于中间事实本身是短暂的,所以不是输入输出数据的一部分。
On a 12-month rolling basis, its imports are falling slightly; factory output data are poor. 按照12个月滚动计算,中国进口略有下降;工厂产出数据很糟糕。
Now that we have bound the output data, we will add some action handling code. 现在我们已经绑定了输出数据,将添加一些事件处理代码。
By using the output data of the STK software, the temperature characteristics of the solar panels of the satellites at different inclinations and altitudes are analyzed and simulated. 利用STK软件的输出数据,分析并仿真了不同轨道倾角和高度卫星的太阳帆板和本体外表面的温度特性。
The FIFO circuit with function of input and output selection control is employed to resolve the speed matching between input data and output data. 使用带有输入输出选择控制功能的FIFO电路,解决了输入输出数据的速率匹配问题;
The digital output data is presented in straight binary output format. 数字输出数据格式为标准二进制。
The paper on which output data is printed by a line printer or character printer. 行式或字符式打印机在其上打印输出数据的打印纸。
First, the output data format of GPS is presented as well as the hardware and software environment. 首先介绍了GPS输出的数据格式,并对系统的软硬件环境做了描述。